I haven't been to church for a while. Will I be welcome?
Yes! We welcome everyone at our church. We believe that everyone is uniquely created by God and that He desires us all to worship Him. Come join us and see what our church family is all about.

Is there Sunday School for my kids?
Yes. We invite children to begin the worship service with us and then they have their own Sunday School time after our "Children’s Message."

What is your music like?
We sing a mixture of traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs, led by our choir and our praise band, Embrace Change.

What kind of church is this?
We are an independent church associated with the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches, a family of churches with roots in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. This means that we are completely independent in our decisions, but that we are in fellowship with other churches for training, support, and cooperation.

What are your beliefs?
You can find a summary of our beliefs here.